An awful reality that needs to change

Colleen Finney
3 min readOct 31, 2018


Consent, sexual assault and the #MeToo movement are all topics that we, as a society, have been discussing. But these topics can never be over talked about or taken lightly. It has come to a point where consent is no longer assumed or clearly read, but instead a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer is needed. We have to be more verbal than ever in order to get our feelings across about this type of situation. Sexual assault is not a clear and obvious situation for everyone. Just like in the Aziz Ansari story. The women didn’t know whether to categorize her encounter with Ansari as a sexual experience or sexual assault.

I think a lot of confusion comes a long with these topics and that’s what makes it an icy subject. Women have gotten to a point where they have to watch their backs at all times. The article about the 17 questions women have had to ask themselves is disturbing and cringe worthy. The fact that those questions have become a women's reality, her day to day thoughts, is wrong and demeaning. How have we let society get to that point?

On top of all of that, these encounters are happening within work places and in your own homes. They are happening by our family members, our boyfriends, our friends. These are the places and people that women are supposed to feel safe and secure at/with, but yet we still have to watch our backs there too. I think society used to think that sexual assault only happened at night, in a dark ally, by a stranger with a hood on. Now it’s everywhere, anywhere, at anytime.

The Aziz Ansari story could have been much worse, but the fact that a man who claims he supports feminism and the Time’s Up movement is guilty of sexual assault or harassment himself. It makes me wonder how many men claim they support women and stand by our side, by are doing the exact opposite of what they support behind closed doors. Or like Ansari stated, do they not even realize they are assaulting? Even when the women gives clear signs she’s uncomfortable.

Lady Gaga said a very powerful and moving statement on The Tonight Show with Stephen Colbert.

She stated that when a person is sexually assaulted or trauma happens to the body, the brain and body changes, the person changes. There is scientific proof that this happens. Why on earth you would want to physically or mentally put someone through a trauma that changes them forever is beyond me.

I don’t think I will see this trend of sexual assault come to a standstill in my lifetime. Until men start respecting and listening to women and not looking at them like objects or something to benefit them, this awful reality will continue.



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